About Gongs
According to Tibitan oral tradition the existence of Gongs can be traced back to the time of the historical Shakyamuni Buddha and this tradition, originated in Tibet, found its way to Himalayan in the 8th Century A.D. along with the teachings of the Buddha.
Gongs produce sounds which invokes a deep state of relaxation which naturally assists one in entering into mediation. Most people experience the sound vibration of Gongs as very soothing and calming, which is way Gongs are widely used for relaxation exercises and meditation groups.
Tibitan tradition suggests the Gongs are made of an alloy of seven different metals which consists of gold, silver, copper, brass , iron, tin, led and mercury. All these metals produce an individual sound, including harmonics and together these sounds produce the exceptional singing sound of the Gong. The actual proportions of the different metals vary in each Gong.
In addition to their traditional usage for meditation, Tibetan Gongs are used for holistic healing, stress reduction and chakra balancing. The rich blend of harmonic overtones which the Gongs produce have a direct effect upon the ckakras and can be applied to adjust, restore and maintain personal harmony. Just as a well-tuned instrument caresses the ear, the Gong sound caresses the body, mind and soul.
Apart from the usage for personal healing and transformation, Gongs have a purely musical aspect as versatile instruments and the pleasure of playing and listening to them is paramount. Gongs can be played in combination with all sorts of instruments, and many musicians use them in there performances and in there recordings in jazz, hip-hop, film scores and many forms of world music.

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