Tingsha Bells are also called Tibetan Cymbals, It is made up by joining two small cymbals with the help of a leather or cotton strap or chain. Tingsha are two small metal cymbals stuck together to produce a clear and high-pitched tone. Different size tingsha produces different frequencies – large size tingsha emits a low-toned sound that vibrates for a long period whereas smaller size tingsha provides a high-pitched, pure sound. It can produce a unique long ringing tone and attract non-human entities which has benefited from specific forms of compassion practice. Antique tingsha bells are made up of special bronze alloys which produce harmonic overtones. It is used along with singing bowls and other instruments in meditation, music, and sound healing. The sound of the meditation bell promotes a sense of peace and calmness. We can find tingsha bells in various designs, tones, frequency, symbols, etc.

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